Friday, January 22, 2010


My Future Personal Contribution To the History of
The United States

From my historical knowledge I know, we are a way different from others species in the world. People are homo sapiens-sapiens, which is they are rapidly creative, highly knowledgeable, with self-critically abilities. These are characteristics that make us dissimilar from the animals in our planet. Nevertheless, even monkeys cannot get closer to our abilities, but our laziness and less motivation in some occasions make several scientists to believe in our descended from monkeys. People are different from monkeys because they have a brain develop capacity. In the same way, President Barack Obama faced to encourage American students for being motivate and creative because economical situation is not stabilized in nowadays and approaching a next great depression might be posible. But, he believes in Americans that they can get over from this situation by using a new technology, new resources, and the new way of thinking (think out of box). All these things demand knowledge and higher education level that Americans can gain through out the schools. Also, from my knowledge I believe, that people can and should choose and create their own destinies because self motivation is base on own target destination we choose in our lives.
As an emigrant like many others before I believe, that United States is the only one where someone can fully fulfill his or her dreams because the resources and the opportunities are unlimited that in any other country in the world. My dream is to be a rich man by serving others as helper, adviser, and guider. My goal is to become a financial adviser or a vice president in a big company.
I believe in my success because I am a highly motivated person, have knowledge, and experience as owner in a small company in Bulgaria. For example, during my ESL classes, I met a teacher who told me that I will never learn how to write in English because I am a slow learning person. That thing motivated me. I dropped this class, and the next semester pass the same class with an A grade. Also, I always try to do my best and never quit or give up. For instance, I am a member of Phi Theta Kappa in which the members have excellent score grades. Nevertheless, I graduated from a technical engineering college in Bulgaria. In Michigan I work for an international pipe truck company as a set up mechanic operator. When the time goes by I realized, that I got this job not because of my education level, but because of my ability to operate and maintain these machines. My salary is lower than a coworker salary in the same position. These abilities I gained from my school graduated in Bulgaria. From my own experience as worker, I have seen many guys come and go due to their lack of knowledge operating these machines. From that point, I started realizing that ability gain by education is a main engine in our lives today. As well, I have experience as an employer in Bulgarian market economy. By thinking of skills I got, boost my confidence about graduation. For example, my business survived through huge inflation in Bulgaria, through1995. At the some time I had a loan to a Bulgarian bank. By this time, bank APR was 375%. In other words, this means paying back three times the loan for a short period of time.
Accomplishing this goal is important to me because I would like to build my life in the United States because of unlimited resources and opportunities, and also for low level of corruption and well manage government property protection laws. For example, back in my country some of resources are governed by government relatives. In my opinion, these people do not know how to manage those businesses. Also, due to high level of corruption, the property protection law is not useable in many causes in Bulgaria court system. For instance, during the robbery, people personal security is not fully guaranteed by the government. Such as, the owners can use a gun against burglars, only if they attack him or her. Moreover, education in Bulgaria is not evaluated properly and equally, because of government relative invasion in many businesses. In some companies for example, an uneducated people occupied important positions which makes impossible dealing or making any businesses with them.
I plan to accomplish my goal step by step, from college to university. I never plan ahead. As, little by little, I move the level as a high jumper does before he or she jumps. When I accomplished something, I needed some time to appreciate it. Follow this orders, I am getting more courage in the future. In addition, obviously when I become a financial adviser or a vice president in a big company, my salary will be hopefully higher that my salary today. The rich people almost always benefit the country where they lives with the money spend for reaching the highest standard of living.

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